Kristin’s Offering
Your Sitting can be held in person or remotely. The energy of love knows no distance.
The Sacred Sitting
60 minutes/$300
Love is the strongest energy. It can break down any wall, heal any ailment. Our souls come directly from love and go back to love once we leave. God is love. Goddess is love. The Father is love as is The Mother. A sitting with Kristin is a sitting with love, in love. Love is the energy that surrounds you. Love is the energy that moves through you. Clearing out old wounds, bandaging up fresh ones, removing what no longer serves, filling you up with the most powerful and also loveliest of energies. As you sit in this energy, Kristin becomes the clearest of channels, relaying all the words you need to hear. Sometimes your family members that passed on come in to say their hellos, mostly you hear from God. These sittings are profound, they’re miraculous. The individual sitting is just for you. And you will leave the sitting changed.