All sittings can be held in person or remotely. Energy knows no distance.
Sacred Sittings
60 minutes/$300 90 minutes/$450 2 hours/$600
Divine, Source, One, Universe, Father, Mother, Goddess, God. We all have a name for the one we came from. Many of us spend our lives trying to get close to this energy. We pray, we meditate, we attend churches and synagogues, mosques and temples. We make pilgrimages to sacred lands. It’s no surprise we do this, the energy is our home. It’s where we came from before we were here and it’s where we go back to when we leave. There is magic in this energy. There are messages from this energy. And a sitting is just that. An opportunity to sit in Source energy and receive messages directly from Source to you. As Kristin holds space, you receive deep healing from Divine. At the same time you receive healing, Kristin channels messages of love, of comfort, of reassurance. You will leave the sitting changed.